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Resources on International Arbitration

Resources on International Arbitration


Reading List, Compiled and Annotated by Arnold Zack

Since most of us have little exposure to the dispute resolution procedures in other countries, I have selected, following a scholarly introductory overview, two short pieces describing the procedures in each of several countries. The second piece for each country focuses on topics that are current as of 2020.  If you want to delve further on these or other countries, or to update the presented pieces, the world of the internet is yours to explore. – Arnold Zack

International Studies Committee Reading List



International Dispute Resolution Series:  Manfred Weiss, Global Overview

Manfred Weiss Biography

Development of International Labor Standards Abstract



International Dispute Resolution Series:  Australian Labor Dispute Resolution

Overview of Labour Arbitration in Australia

Dispute Resolution in Australia – Anna Booth

Finalization of Unfair Dismissal Matters and Range of Compensation Awarded



International Dispute Resolution Series:  South African Labor Dispute Resolution

Halton Cheadle Biography

Tanya Venter Biography

Summary of South American Labour Legislation and ADR




International Dispute Resolution Series:  Israel Labour and Employment Seminar

Judge (ret.) Stephen Adler –  Publication List

Professor Dr. Moti Mironi – Publication List



International Dispute Resolution Series:  Japan Labor and Employment Seminar

PowerPoint Presentation – Professor Yamakawa

Professor Dr. Ryuichi Yamakawa Biography

Brief Outline of Presentation

Article Link



International Dispute Resolution Series:  Professor Manfred Weiss on the European Union

Introduction to European Labour Law

Link to Professor Weiss’ Biography



International Dispute Resolution Series:  The Law, Background, and Harsh Realities of Workplace Dispute Resolution in China

Professor Gaochao He’s Biography

Professor Bill W.K. Taylor’s Biography

Hong Kong Management and Labour:  Change and Continuity

A Social History of Industrial Strikes and the Labour Movement in Hong Kong, 1946-1989

New Unions as Old Binaries or New Directions



International Dispute Resolution Series: How European Courts Resolve Workplace Disputes

Austrian Labour Court – Judge Kuras




International Dispute Resolution Series: Workplace Dispute Resolution in the UK

Workplace Dispute Resolution in the UK  Presentation