Sylvia Skratek, Co-Chair
David A. Weinberg, Co-Chair
Elizabeth Wesman, Co-Chair
Jules B. Bloch
Lou Chang
Fredric R. Horowitz
Arne Peltz
Samantha E. Tower
Hilary Mofsowitz
Sheila G. Mayberry, Ex-Officio
Bonnie J. McSpiritt, Ex-Officio
Elizabeth Neumeier, Ex-Officio
The AI Study Committee is responsible for (1) assessing the extent to which labor-management arbitrators are currently using artificial intelligence tools in their practice or encountering its use by labor or management in the preparation and presentation or their cases, (2) exploring the ramifications of artificial intelligence for current and future practices in dispute resolution, (3) educating NAA members and parties on this subject, and (4) recommending any actions that may be needed to update standards and/or norms of conduct governing labor management arbitration. The Committee should take into account and, wherever appropriate and possible, work in cooperation with representatives of the American Arbitration Association, the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, Canadian authorities, and researchers studying these issues.
Thomas Kochan, Co-Chair
William McKee, Co-Chair
Christopher David Ruiz Cameron
Jeanne Charles
Rafael Gely
Keith D. Greenberg
Ken A. Perea
Sherrie Rose Talmadge
Betty Rankin Widgeon
Matthew Wilson
The Amicus Brief Advisory Committee is responsible for advising the Board of Governors about cases of great importance to the profession of arbitration, in which the Academy may be asked to, or in the judgment of the Committee should sua sponte, participate through a friend of the court brief. The Committee will also be responsible for overseeing the preparation and presentation of such briefs.
Martin H. Malin, Co-Chair
Jan Stiglitz, Co-Chair
Richard Bales
Stephen F. Befort
Ezio Borchini
Lawrence M. Cohen
Matthew W. Finkin
Lise G. Gelertner
Alvin L. Goldman
Michael Z. Green
Barry Winograd
The ArbitrationInfo Web Site Committee oversees the upkeep and currency of the Arbitrtationinfo web site. The web site serves as a reference tool for journalists and academics, and follows up on current developments in labor and employment arbitration in both the US and Canade. Members of the Committee are occasionally asked to write brief summaries of news articles, government policy changes or landmark court cases for the web site.
Stephen Douglas Bonney, Chair
Rafael Gely, Editor
Robert Gary Bailey, Co-Editor
Augustus Richardson
Julie Torrey
Lisa Salkovitz Kohn, Chair
Christopher David Ruiz Cameron
Lisa C. Charles
The Canadian Labour Relations Committee will prepare an annual report to be presented to the members at the time of the annual meeting, and posted on the NAA web site and, describing and analyzing significant events in Canada – strikes, notable settlements, legislation, impactful awards, legislation, etc. during the calendar year. If there is a particularly significant development between the end of the year and the annual meeting, the Committee might decide to do a special interim report on that. The Committee will also be charged with recommending measures and activities to maintain and extend the Academy’s relevance and service to the profession in Canada.
Michelle Flaherty, Chair
Mark L. Asbell
Kevin Banks
Brian Keller
James C. Oakley
The Chronicle Committee is responsible, under the direction of the Managing Editor, for producing the Academy’s newsletter, which is a primary method of maintaining communications with members about events in the Academy, professional activities of committees and individual members, and the content of programs at Academy meetings. The Chronicle publishes significant articles from non-members on subjects of interest to our members. The Chronicle also provides articles about the hobbies and life experiences of members and from time to time honors notable members with special articles about their careers.
James S. Cooper, Managing Editor
Stephen Douglas Bonney, Assistant Managing Editor
Benjamin A. Kerner, Assistant Managing Editor
Philip Lawrence Maier, Chronicle Photographer
Richard Bales
Sydney S. Moreland, IV
The Committee on Honorary Membership evaluates and recommends members of the Academy who are no longer active arbitrators for the category of Honorary Life Member. All such recommendations are brought forward to the Board of Governors for final action as is deemed appropriate.
David W. Stanton, Chair
Bonnie G Bogue
James B. Dworkin
John Kagel
The Committee on Professional Responsibility and Grievances is charged with the administration and enforcement of the Code of Professional Responsibility, jointly adopted by the NAA, the FMCS and the AAA, which defines the responsibilities of labor-management arbitrators. The Committee Chair is responsible for investigating complaints against members and, in consultation with two other Committee members, determining whether probable cause exists to believe a violation has occurred. If not, the complaint is dismissed. If so, a Hearing Officer is appointed from among the members of the Committee. The Committee also provides advice to members and designating agencies, in the form of Advice Letters and Advisory Opinions. The CPRG Chair is responsible for reporting to the membership annually on the activities of the Committee.
Walt De Treux, Chair
Ruben R. Armendariz
Richard N. Block
Ezio Borchini
Sarah Miller Espinosa
Lise G. Gelernter
George E. Larney
Martin H. Malin
Susan R. Meredith
Elaine S. Newman
Ken A. Perea
Paul D. Roose
Samantha E. Tower
The Continuing Education Committee is responsible for organizing and presenting webinars and other educational sessions for members between Annual Meetings, and for assisting the Program Committee in presenting elements of the Annual Meeting on-line if requested.
Betty Rankin Widgeon, Chair
John C. Alfano
Meeta A. Bass
Daniel F. Brent
Jules I. Crystal
Lise G. Gelernter
Lisa Salkovitz Kohn
Elizabeth Neumeier
Haydee Rosario
David Weinberg
Elizabeth C. Wesman
The Coordinator of Internal Grievances is responsible for receiving and investigating complaints brought by any member against another member of harassment or discrimination in violation of the Academy’s policy. The Coordinator attempts to conciliate such complaints to seek an acceptable outcome. If that is not possible, the Coordinator will, in consultation with two members of the Committee on Professional Responsibility and Grievances, determine whether probable cause exists to believe a violation has occurred. If not, the complaint is dismissed. If so, a Hearing Officer is appointed from among the members of the Committee on Professional Responsibility and Grievances.
Daniel F. Brent, Coordinator
George E. Larney, Assistant Coordinator
Haydee Rosario, Assistant Coordinator
The LRF Coordinator and Assistant Coordinators act as the “gatekeeper” for claims for reimbursement of legal defense expenses arising out of members’ involvement in labor-management cases. The Coordinator and Assistant Coordinators receive reports from members of new and ongoing lawsuits, subpoenas, discovery requests, and similar matters. After gathering the pertinent information about the potential claim, the Coordinator or Assistant Coordinator reports the facts to the President and Executive Secretary, with a recommendation for or against reimbursement. In appropriate cases, the Coordinator or Assistant Coordinator may mediate to resolve potential claims without the need for the member to engage counsel or incur defense costs. The Coordinator prepares a report of LRF claims and other activity for presentation at the time of the annual meeting. The Coordinator or Assistant Coordinator attends the New Member Orientation to describe the LRF to new members and provide information on steps they should take if they are sued or subpoenaed.
Luella E. Nelson, Coordinator
Sara Adler, Assistant Coordinator
Barbara Deinhardt, Assistant Coordinator
Lisa Salkovitz Kohn, Assistant Coordinator
Paul D. Roose, Chair
Stephen Doug Bonney
Christopher David Ruiz Cameron
Michael Z. Green
Lisa Salkovitz Kohn
Hilary Mofsowitz
Mark Gaston Pearce
Stephen Raymond
Haydee Rosario
Mary Ellen Shea
The Designating Agencies (U.S.) Coordinator serves as the Liaison between the Academy and the major designating agencies in the United States (NMB, AAA, FMCS). The Coordinator advises the Academy on developments within the agencies affecting arbitrator qualifications, selection and workload requirements, and is the principal point of contact for nationwide agencies with the Academy leadership. The Coordinator will also consult with the Academy leadership and the Chair of the State and Local Public Sector Committee on issues involving state and local designating agencies. The Coordinator organizes a presentation by the agencies to the membership at the Annual Meeting.
David Weinberg, Coordinator
The Committee has responsibility for a variety of functions within the broad subject-matter area of employment arbitration (i.e., employment-related disputes that proceed to arbitration pursuant to private contractual provisions or plans, or those that proceed under a Pyett clause in a CBA), including: monitoring and addressing substantive and procedural developments in the law and practice of employment arbitration and mediation; developing/recommending educational programming provided or sponsored by the Academy relevant to employment arbitration and mediation; developing or recommending ways in which the Academy may be of service to employment neutrals; helping the Academy provide a “home” and resources for employment neutrals; helping to advance the image and use of the Academy as a resource for expertise in and information about employment arbitration and mediation; providing recommendations to the NAA Board of Governors on policy matters pertaining to employment arbitration and mediation, and promoting research relating to employment arbitration and mediation.
The Committee prepares a report regarding significant developments in the general field of Employment Arbitration in the calendar year, which is submitted in January for presentation to the membership at the Annual Meeting, publication in ArbInfo and the NAA website, and inclusion in the State of the Profession Report.
William E. Hartsfield, Chair
Patricia Thomas Bittel
Robert Brookins
Dean L. Burrell
Ira S. Cure
Jacquelin F. Drucker
Christopher Mark Shulman
The committee is responsible for liaising and coordinating with publishers which specialize in the publication of articles, papers and similar content which are related to workplace dispute resolution. These responsibilities will include encouraging NAA members to publish such content by alerting members of the existence of opportunities to publish and to promoting member submissions. This will include serving as a resource for members and assisting int he editorial process when needed. The committee shall also liaise with publishers to gain access to published content for use by NAA members. In working with publishers, it is hoped that the committee will be able to foster access to content at significantly discounted rates.
Rafael Gely, Chair
Melissa H. Biren
Robert A. Creo
Matthew M. Franckiewicz
Theodore J. St. Antoine
The on-going task is to prepare an annual report to be presented to the members at the time of the annual meeting, and posted on the NAA web site and, describing and analyzing significant developments in the sector over the prior calendar year. If there is a particularly significant development between the end of the year and the annual meeting, the Committee might decide to do a special interim report on that.
Mark C. Travis, Chair
Jack Clarke
Andrea Y. McKissick
The History Committee’s job is to record and publish the history of the Academy in various ways including initiating ideas to carry out this mission and finding members to accomplish these tasks, conduct or arrange interviews of past presidents and, occasionally, of others who are significant in the field of labor law, and see that this information is available to the appropriate audiences. The committee was responsible for the idea of a follow-up to the 50-year history of the Academy; this is currently being written by various Academy members and should be available online; the History Chair is an ex-officio member of this group. In the past, committee members did all of the interviewing and writing, but in more recent times the committee has been responsible for initiating ideas, finding writers and interviewers, and assisting where needed for these various efforts. This includes encouraging people to meet deadlines, editing, providing information on how to do oral interviews, and creating ad hoc sub-committees as needed.
James Brown, Chair
Nancy Kauffman
The International Studies Committee is responsible for monitoring, analyzing and reporting on development in the field of labor relations and labor arbitration in jurisdictions outside the United States and Canada. The Committee maintains relations with the Academy’s foreign correspondents, and with other arbitration organizations around the world. The Committee organizes and participates in symposia and other professional exchanges.
The Committee will prepare an annual report to be presented to the members at the time of the annual meeting, and posted on the NAA web site and, describing and analyzing significant developments in the international sector over the prior calendar year. If there is a particularly significant development between the end of the year and the annual meeting, the Committee might decide to do a special interim report on that.
Jules B. Bloch, Chair
Christopher J. Albertyn
Kevin Banks
Walt De Treux
Jacquelin F. Drucker
Richard D. Fincher
Alvin L. Goldman
Hilary Mofsowitz
Sherrie Rose Talmadge
John L. Woods, Jr.
Arnold M. Zack
The mandate of the Media and Communication Strategy Committee (MCS) is to review and assess the NAA’s current public profile and to make recommendations to enhance its profile. The MCS will analyze the current public perception of Labor Arbitration, survey NAA members about their communication needs, an develop trainings and materials to support members in advocating for the greater positive visibility of Labor arbitration.
The MCS is also charged with developing a proactive and reactive strategy. The MCS will analyze our current communication tools and recommend changes and/or additions to augment these tools; analyze the current state of Labor journalism and propose tactics for cultivating critical media contacts; and, finally, will analyze current reactive and proactive messaging strategies and develop a uniform message that can be used by members to enhance the public profile of the NAA and Labor Arbitration.
Andrea L. Dooley, Co-Chair
Sylvia Skratek, Vice Chair
Martin F. Scheinman
Elizabeth C. Wesman
The Membership Committee is a standing committee having two main responsibilities. Most of its focus is on applying the Academy’s membership standards to each successive class of new applicants. That requires that most, if not all, of the Committee members attend every Committee meeting throughout their period of service. Committee meetings are scheduled to precede the meetings of the Board of Governors, usually held twice annually, so that the BOG may act promptly on the Committee’s recommendations. The second responsibility of the committee focuses on refining the administration of the application process and responding to occasional inquiries from the BOG about membership issues.
Kathryn VanDagens, Chair
Richard Adelman
Robert Joshua Herman
Sheila G. Mayberry
Edward B. Valverde
Jacalyn J. Zimmerman
The Strategic Advisor will provide advice as requested to the Executive Committee on disputes involving the Academy as an organization. This position does not entail the provision of legal advice. If the Academy becomes involved in litigation, the Strategic Advisor will work with the Executive Secretary-Treasurer to retain and instruct counsel.
Barry Winograd
The New Member Orientation Committee welcomes new members to the Academy and conducts an in-person orientation session at the meeting at which the new member is inducted, providing information on the Academy’s structures, activities and history. Participation in the orientation is a pre-condition to admission, unless waived by the Executive Committee.
Andrea L. Dooley, Chair
Ruben R. Armendariz
I.B. Helburn
Christopher Mark Shulman
The Nominating Committee prepares a slate of Governor and Officers to fill vacancies on the Board of Governors that will occur in the coming year as terms expire. The Nominating Committee’s report is typically presented at the Fall Board of Governors Meeting.
Homer C. La Rue, Chair
Edward B. Krinsky
Philip LaPorte
William McKee
Jasbir Parmar
Pilar Vaile
Betty Rankin Widgeon
The joys and challenges of assisting newer arbitrators are at the heart of the Academy’s Outreach Committee. The initiative’s mission is geared to the identification of promising newer arbitrators regionally, with a goal of increasing diversity and inclusion in our ranks, and to assist and support them in gaining acceptability by the parties. Through this work we hope to assist aspiring arbitrators to gain admission to the NAA, and to enhance the profession in general. It is also a happy byproduct that feedback on our efforts has demonstrated that the labor-management community is more aware and appreciative that the NAA is working to encourage and mentor the next generation of arbitrators, in line with our obligations under the Code.
The Committee works at identifying mentoring and training models for newer arbitrators, to help Regions implement these models, and to share information about successful efforts so they can be replicated elsewhere. The Committee is comprised of individuals from around the U.S. and Canada, who not only help brainstorm ideas, but are committed to doing this work on a Regional level.
Beyond Regional efforts, the committee’s work is typically sharing ideas via an email list, with a once a year in-person meeting at the NAA Annual Meeting. The Outreach Committee Chair also assists individual newer arbitrators on a personal level with a variety of issues including helping them identify local mentors; assisting them with issues involving attaining membership on an appointing agency list; highlighting arbitrator training opportunities; and pinpointing local speaking opportunities and meetings to help them meet advocates and gain acceptability with the parties. The Chair is responsible for preparing a regular report for the Board of Governors and writing an article for the Chronicle.
Margaret R. Brogan, Chair
Richard Adelman
Sara Adler
Richard H. Barron
Lawrence M. Cohen
Walt De Treux
Richard K. Hanft
Danielle L. Hargrove
I.B. Helburn
Thomas J. Nowel
Ken A. Perea
Stephen Raymond
Christine A. Schmidt
Gregory P. Szuter
William A. Marcotte, Parliamentarian
The Regional Activities Coordinator serves as the liaison between the Academy leadership and the regions, encouraging the regions in their planning of regional activities, informing the members of the Academy about those activities, and ensuring that regions are active in education and outreach.
Randi E. Lowitt
Associate Coordinator
Haydee Rosario
Associate Coordinator
Linda Byars
Mark Asbell
Central Midwest
Jacalyn J. Zimmerman
Rosemary Pye
Elaine Frost
Betty Widgeon
Missouri Valley
George L. Fitzsimmons
Mid Atlantic
Felice Busto
New England
Eileen Cenci
Beth Wolfson
New York
Lisa Charles
Northern California
Katherine Thomson
Gregory P. Szuter
Pacific Northwest
Elizabeth C. Wesman
Chris Shulman
Southern California
Christopher David Ruiz Cameron
Southwest Rockies
Pilar Vaile
Paul Chapdelaine
Upstate New York
Douglas James Bantle
Western Pennsylvania
David V. Breen
Thomas J. Nowel, Chair
Steven M. Bierig
Sandra Mendel Furman
Richard D. Fincher
Mary J. O’Connell
David J. Reilly
Christopher Mark Shulman
The State of the Profession Committee is responsible for annually assessing and reporting on the state of the arbitration profession. The Committee monitors developments across the profession, including trends in caseloads and appointments, types of cases, legal developments affecting arbitration and arbitrator demographic changes. The Committee uses survey data, neutral agency information, reports of other Academy committees and significant labor management developments.
Howard G. Foster, Chair
Richard N. Block
Carl S. Bosland
Paul F. Gerhart
Alan A. Symonette
Timothy S. Taylor
Workplace alternative dispute resolution is a global industry. This task force is charged with studying and providing recommendations on the question of whether the Academy should offer membership (or associate membership) to neutrals in the international arbitration community. The Task Force shall consider the nature of members. Will it be full or partial? What rights will be this group have as members? What would be the application and qualification requirements? It is expected that the task force will report its conclusions and recommendations to the Board of Governors at the 2025 Annual Meeting.
Jacquelin F. Drucker, Chair
Christopher J. Albertyn
Scott Buchheit
Richard D. Fincher
Sarah Kerr Garraty
Juan Carlos Gonzalez
Hilary Mofsowitz
John L. Woods
Arnold M. Zack
Walt De Treux, Chair
Richard I. Bloch
Jeanne Charles
Danielle Hargrove
William E. Hartsfield
William H. Holley, Jr.
Daniel J. Nielsen
Luella E. Nelson, Chair
Fred D. Butler
The Tribunal Appeals Committee hears appeals of CPRG Hearing Officer decisions. After a CPRG Hearing Officer has issued a decision disposing of a complaint made to the CPRG, either the complainant or the defendant or both may appeal the Hearing Officer’s decision to the Tribunal Appeals Committee.
The Tribunal Appeals Committee will review the Hearing Officer’s record and decision and will offer the complainant and the defendant the opportunity to submit written arguments in support of upholding or modifying the Hearing Officer’s decision.
The Tribunal Appeals Committee then will make a final and binding disposition of the matter.
Sara Adler, Chair
Ezio Borchini
Daniel F. Brent
Betty Rankin Widgeon