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History of Grants




 The National Academy of Arbitrators (NAA) Research and Education Foundation (REF) is listing a selection of the grants it has awarded to carry out its mission of promoting research and education in the field of labor relations and alternative dispute resolution in the United States, Canada, and abroad, and to encourage applications for future grantsAny opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in research reports, articles, videos, or other materials produced for projects funded by the REF are those of the authors or grantees, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NAA or the REF as organizations. Where available, there are links to the videos or papers.


The Rutgers University Collaborative School Leadership Initiative received a grant to conduct training of teachers, administrators, and union leaders in K-12 New Jersey public schools to resolve disputes using collaborative instead of adversarial processes and to develop materials for that training.  The grant also supports the development and dissemination of processes to solve labor-management problems in public education in the United States and in South Africa.

The National Academy of Arbitrators (NAA) Artificial Intelligence (AI) Task Force and the Scheinman Institute of Cornell University ILR received a grant to fund a survey of NAA members on their awareness and use of AI in arbitration and mediation.  In progress.

The Garvey-Nkrumah Academy for Development and Conflict Resolution received a grant to develop training materials and conduct labor and employment and ADR training programs in support of the new African Continental Free Trade Area.  In progress.

Salisbury University received a grant for a student assistant for a research project and paper using FMCS data.  Professor Patrick McDermott, An Empirical Analysis of the Factors Influencing the Selection and Future Use of Labor Arbitrators.  In progress.

The Ray Corollary Initiative (RCI, Inc.) received a grant for a Meet the Neutrals program at the June 2024 Labor and Employment Relations Association (LERA) conference.

The National Academy of Arbitrators (NAA) International Committee received a grant for presentation of an International Day at the 2024 NAA Annual Meeting. The Committee also received funding for a session on South African Labor for the 2024 Annual LERA Conference.


The National Academy of Arbitrators (NAA) Program Committee received a grant for a video, Guns in the Workplace, to explore evidentiary issues arising during an arbitration hearing on this subject, as well as how arbitrators reach a final decision on a grievance.  The video was part of a panel at the 2024 Annual NAA Conference.

The National Academy of Arbitrators (NAA) Program Committee and the College of Labor and Employment Lawyers Video History Project (VHP) received a grant to produce a video interview with Senator George Mitchell for the 2024 NAA Annual Conference and for the  NAA and VHP websites.  In Retrospect – Northern Ireland, Baseball, and the Art of Negotiations.

The Boston Labor Guild and the College of Labor and Employment Lawyers Video History Project (VHP) received a grant to produce a film about the Boston Labor Guild, the last surviving worker school of the more than 150 such schools founded during the Depression to teach workers about union administration.  In progress.

The National Academy of Arbitrators (NAA) Media and Communication Committee received a grant for start-up funding for a public relations firm to assist the NAA with a communications strategy, including training sessions about addressing arbitration issues arising in the media.

The New England Chapter of the National Academy of Arbitrators (NE NAA) and the University of Rhode Island Schmidt Labor Research Center received a grant for a reception at the 2023 Annual Arbitration meeting to show The Art and Science of Labor Arbitration, a film that received funding from the NAA REF.

Ohio Northern University Professor Richard Bales and Editor-in-Chief Robert Creo, How Arbitration Works, received a grant for a research assistant to  work on a survey of members of the National Academy of Arbitrators (NAA) about their views and practices on a variety of common issues for the next edition of How Arbitration Works (formerly Elkouri).

The New England Chapter of the National Academy of Arbitrators (NE NAA) DEIB Committee received a grant to prepare educational materials and present a program at the 2024 Annual NAA Conference regarding how race and gender issues affect labor arbitration.

The Ontario Labour Management Arbitrators’ Association (OLMAA) received a grant to help fund an arbitrator training program with the aim of increasing diversity in the profession.

The University of Ottawa Faculty of Law received a grant for an ADR Writing Award for labour/employment issues.

The National Academy of Arbitrators (NAA) International Committee received a grant for scholarships for Cambodian arbitrators to attend two annual NAA conferences.


The New England Chapter of the National Academy of Arbitrators (NE NAA) and the University of Rhode Island Schmidt Labor Research Center received a grant for a reception at the Annual Arbitration conference to show the film, The Memphis Sanitation Strike: Its Place in Labor History, which received funding from the NAA REF.

Professor Joel Crutcher-Gershenfeld, Heller School, Brandeis University, received a grant for  Addressing Structural Racism in the Labor Market: What Third-Party Neutrals Need to Know.


University of Michigan and National Workrights Institute received a grant to study and publish a paper comparing the outcomes for employees who arbitrate employment claims with those who litigate such claims.  Harry C. Katz, Cornell ILR; Thomas A. Kochan, MIT; Lewis Maltby, National Workrights Institute; and Theodore St. Antoine, University of Michigan Law School, Comparative Analysis of Employment Arbitration and Employment Litigation.

National Academy of Arbitrators (NAA) International Studies Committee received a grant for an international labor and adr symposium.

National Academy of Arbitrators (NAA) Videoconferencing Task Force received a grant for a Year in Review Program.

Mitchell Hamline School of Law received a grant for an award for papers on employment law.

Pennsylvania State University received a grant to study and report on the comparative treatment of police discipline grievances in the U.S. and the U.K.  Dr. Paul F. Clark, School of Labor and Employment Relations at Pennsylvania State University, Arbitrators’ Assessment of Police Discipline and Arbitration Processes, Part 1 and Arbitrators’ Assessment of Police Discipline and Arbitration Processes, Part 2.

American Bar Association Labor and Employment Law Section received a grant for a scholarship for a Scholar in Residence for the Mid-Winter Meeting.

 The National Academy of Arbitrators (NAA) Labor Arbitration Committee received a grant for an Employment Arbitration boot camp.

The College of Labor and Employment Lawyers received a grant to produce a full-length video, The Memphis Sanitation Strike: Its Place in Labor History.  

The Scheinman Institute and Pennsylvania State received a grant to  do a study of NAA members.  Harry Katz, Alexander Colvin, Ariel Avgar, Cornell University and Mark Gough, Pennsylvania State University, NAA Member Survey: Diversity, Practice Characteristics, and Remote Technologies.


The NAA Videoconference Task Force received a grant for the preparation and publication of training videos on virtual arbitrations and mediations.

The Labor and Employment Relations Association (LERA) received a grant for a web conference series, The Future of ADR.

The NAA Employment Relations Committee received a grant for Employment Arbitration Boot Camp.

The University of Missouri received a grant to give awards for best articles in labor/employment dispute resolution.  In progress.


American Bar Association Labor and Employment Law Section (ABA LEL) received a grant for a scholarship for a Scholar in Residence for the ABA LEL Mid-Winter Meeting.

The University of Waterloo received a grant to research interest arbitration.  Chris Riddell, The Effects of Compulsory Interest Arbitration on Reaching Impasse and Wage Levels: Evidence from a Unique Change in Canadian Law.


The National Academy of Arbitrators (NAA) Employment Arbitration Committee received a grant for a program on Arbitrating and Mediating Wage and Hour Claims: What Neutrals Need to Know for the NAA Annual Conference.

Penn State University and Harvard University received a grant for research on employment arbitration.  Mark Gough and Kyle Albert, Employment Arbitrators: Repeat Player Effects.

The University of Missouri School of Law (Center for the Study of Dispute Resolution (CSDR) received a grant to create a website,


Chicago Kent College of Law Professor Marty Malin and Professor Sara Slinn of Chicago Kent College of Law received a grant to research and write  An Empirical Comparison of the Handling of Statutory Human Rights Claims in Labor Arbitration before the Human Rights Tribunal in Ontario.

The Arbitration Council of Cambodia received a grant to compile a Digest of Arbitration Decisions.

The National Academy of Arbitrators (NAA) received a grant to fund a lecture on aging by Steven Price.


Professor Alex Colvin, Cornell ILR School, and Professor Mark Gough, Pennsylvania State University, received a grant to research and write Understanding the Professional Practices and Decision-Making of Employment Arbitrations.

The College of Labor and Employment Lawyers Video History Project (VHP) received a grant to produce a full-length film, The Art and Science of Arbitration.

[1] Grants that are pending are designated as “In progress.”  All other grants are closed.