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The Chrysler-UAW umpire system

A comparison of the elements of the Chrysler-UAW umpire system with those of other umpire systems, and a description of the history of the Chrysler-UAW umpire system.

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Impartial umpireships: The General Motors – UAW experience

The author sets forth the history of the permanent arbitration system at Ford, the operation of the system, and an evaluation of the effectiveness of the system. A brief discussion…

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Constraint and variety in arbitration systems

An essay on the differences in concepts of arbitration, how they originated, and the apparent uniformities in the evolution of arbitration systems. The authors discuss the two types of permanent…

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Six case studies of maturing labor-management relationships, from adversarial to cooperative, over time, and what characteristics they have in common.

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President Stark posits that “arbitration is still young and growing. It has all the attributes of a healthy, responsive institution, including normal growing pains.” He then surveys arbitration in the…

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New industrial relations and industrial justice

Secretary Usery observes that global competition has weakened the nature of collective bargaining. He recommends the acceptance of United States workers as partners, and cites the Toyota-GM-UAW experience in New…

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