The author advocates minimum requirements for coverage by and explicitness in health care plans, including that disputes arising under such plans be subject to arbitration.
The author discusses the statutes enacted between 1963 and 1978 prohibiting discrimination because of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, and age, and the practical limits of arbitration under collective…
A critical appraisal of the handling of representational issues under the NLRA and its negative impact on private sector union membership. The alternative of increased employment regulation is rejected and…
Arbitrator Jaffe describes how he handles statutory claims: the differences between CBA grievances and disputes arising under federal statutes; the issues that frequently arise under the latter; and bases of…
Attorney Hautzinger sees a new era in employee involvement in operational decisions that runs counter to the National Labor Relations Act. He sees no “social contract” because he sees no…
In the face of Gilmer, the authors recognize the role of arbitrators in resolving employment disputes based upon federal statute, and recommend that organizations such as the AAA and NAA…
An examination of the arbitrator’s role in applying public statutes to determinations of just cause when those statutes have been incorporated by reference into the CBA….
Where a statute has not been incorporated by reference into the CBA, the arbitrator’s application of the statutory standards can yield inequitable results. The author recommends that arbitrators resort to…
The author explains management’s preference for arbitration rather than litigation (especially jury trials) of employment disputes….
The incredible shrinking workplace: Legal and arbitration issues generated by reorganizations and downsizing.
Michael R. Brown, Marc D. Greenbaum, Susan Katz Hoffman, Warren H. Pyle, Donald J. Siegel
March 16, 2003 Proceedings Database
An examination of the issues that arbitrators will face, arising from bankruptcies and the impact of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA). Management and union perspectives are offered on…