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Problems of proof in the arbitration process: Report of the Chicago Area Tripartite Committee

A discussion of hearing procedures and the rules of evidence. [See also the transcript of the open discussion, 1966 page 110.]

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Problems of proof in the arbitration process: Report of the West Coast Tripartite Committee

Discussion of pre-hearing procedures, hearing procedures, and rules of evidence, with additional remarks regarding history and theory on these matters. [See also the transcript of the open discussion, 1966 page…

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Problems of proof in the arbitration process: Report of the Pittsburgh Tripartite Committee

A discussion of hearing procedures and rules of evidence. [See also the transcript of the open discussion, 1966 page 263.]

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An analysis and comparison of three arbitration opinions regarding personal grooming requirements and, in particular, hair-and-beard regulations promulgated by employers. Such regulations are not a matter of managerial discretion, but…

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Although changing life styles have given rise to new disciplinary issues, those issues are generally adequately resolved by application of already established arbitration standards and principles. Novel questions that arise…

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Noting that, given their average age, arbitrators constitute a community of ‘establishment neutrals,’ Cohen observes that decisions rendered in the arbitration of life style disputes nevertheless reflect both establishment and,…

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