Arbitration and the courts: The public policy defense
The author examines the public policy grounds on which courts vacate labor arbitrators’ awards.
The author examines the public policy grounds on which courts vacate labor arbitrators’ awards.
The author predicts greater judicial encroachment on the sovereignty of labor arbitrators.
This report highlights major efforts during 1985-1986 to resolve or ameliorate the effects of labor-management disputes in the public sector. Addresses statutory, judicial and administrative… Read More »Report of the committee on public employment disputes settlement
A discussion of judicial reasoning in overturning arbitration awards, with a focus on W. C. Grace. Arbitrators’ application of stare decisis to prior arbitrator awards… Read More »Arbitration in court: Judging the judges
An analysis of the influence of the interaction of courts and the NLRB in enforcing or deferring to arbitrators’ decision making and opinion writing. Awareness… Read More »Contract Interpretation; Part III: How the courts and the NLRB view arbitrators’ awards
In negotiating their CBA, the parties to a collective bargaining agreement select “their own brand of industrial justice.” The role of the arbitrator is to… Read More »A meditation on labor arbitration and “his own brand of industrial justice”
The court’s power in the interpretation and enforcement of CBAs is far greater than that of arbitrators. The judges on our panel have little difficulty… Read More »Decisional thinking Chicago Panel reportII. The judges’ perception of the arbitration process
The Committee presents 16 cases from the courts and the Labor Board that it considers significant for the developmentof the law of labor arbitration.
A supplement to the annual report of the ABA Labor and Employment Law Section Committee on Labor Arbitration and the Law of Collective Agreements. The… Read More »Report of the Committee on Law and Legislation – 1979
Professor Gamser observes that, “If there is still some basis to continue the debate over whether external law must be considered by the arbitrator in… Read More »New dimensions in public-sector grievance arbitration: 3. Back-seat driving behind the back-seat driver: Arbitration in the federal sector.