An analysis of two areas of remedies: compensatory damages and injunctions. A discussion of the author’s view in the absence of a clear-cut answer by the courts as to the…
A discussion of the limits on an arbitrator’s authority to fix damages, and of the methods of computing damages including compensatory, punitive and liquidated damages….
Arbitration and rights under collective agreements: Report of the Committee on Law and Legislation for 1965
Joseph Brandschain, David L. Cole, Clair V. Duff, I. Robert Feinberg, Charles O. Gregory, Edgar A. Jones, Jr., Sanford H. Kadish, J. Keith Mann, Herbert L. Sherman, Jr., Clyde W. Summers, Jerre S. Williams
January 1, 1966 Proceedings Database
A discussion of recent judicial decisions affecting labor arbitration and collective bargaining agreements. Key areas: Procedural arbitrability; obligations of successor employers; substantive arbitrability; suits to compel or stay arbitration; arbitrator’s’…
Review of processes for resolving impasses over new public sector contracts. Discusses major objectives unique to the public sector and means of achieving them.
Arbitration and federal rights under collective agreements: Report of the Committee on Law and Legislation for 1966
Joseph Brandschain, David L. Cole, Clair V. Duff, I. Robert Feinberg, Charles O. Gregory, Edgar A. Jones, Jr., Sanford H. Kadish, J. Keith Mann, Herbert L. Sherman, Jr., Clyde W. Summers, Jerre S. Williams
January 1, 1966 Proceedings Database
Review of recent court decisions affecting collective bargaining agreements. Major subdivisions of report include statute of limitations; actions cognizable under Section 301 of the LMRA; parties to the action, obligations…
Arbitration and federal rights under collective agreements in 1967: Report of the Committee on Law and Legislation for 1967
Joseph Brandschain, David L. Cole, Clair V. Duff, I. Robert Feinberg, Charles O. Gregory, Edgar A. Jones, Jr., Sanford H. Kadish, J. Keith Mann, Herbert L. Sherman, Jr., Clyde W. Summers, Jerre S. Williams
January 1, 1967 Proceedings Database
Review of recent court decisions affecting collective bargaining agreements. Major subdivisions of report include individual employee rights under Section 301; actions cognizable under Section 301; determination of whether a contract…
A report of the Committee on Law and Legislation for 1970, National Academy of Arbitrators with a focus on Section 301 actions under the Labor Management Relations Act (LMRA) reported…
A report of the Committee on Law and Legislation for 1971, National Academy of Arbitrators, with a focus on Section 301 actions under the Labor Management Relations Act (LMRA) reported…
A summary of 1973 and 1974 federal court and NLRB rulings involving labor arbitration. The authors discuss two US Supreme Court decisions, Gateway Coal – applying the presumption of arbitrability…
A supplement to the annual report of the ABA Labor and Employment Law Section Committee on Labor Arbitration and the Law of Collective Agreements. The supplement discusses 1978 cases involving…