Arbitrator Aaron opines that the immediate effects of Lincoln Mills may be disruptive of industrial relations, because most judges are both poorly informed on the subject and have attitudes that…
An examination of the impact of arbitration on the formulation and administration of national labor policy. The interplay between labor arbitration and state and federal courts and administrative tribunals, the…
Arbitrator Winograd examines the derivation and purposes served by the broad admissibility of evidentiary submissions in labor arbitrations, and subsequent assessment of reliability and weight made by the arbitrator. He…
Professor Murphy introduces Professor Feller, and then Professor Feller describes the events in his career that led to his appearance before the Supreme Court in the Steelworkers Trilogy and other…
The arbitrator’s remedial powers
Kenneth B. Cooper, George J. Matkov, Jr., George Nicolau, Jesse Simons
March 16, 1990 Proceedings Database
An examination of arbitrators’ acceptance (or rejection) of evidence of post-discharge conduct and of later-acquired pre-discharge conduct. Arbitrator Nicolau applies a test of fair warning: If the evidence is revealed…
In grievances of the right to subcontract where the CBA is silent on the matter, Attorney Clark presents reasons why arbitrators should apply a standard in public sector cases different…
An argument that arbitrators, who have responsibility over the integrity of the arbitration process under the Supreme Court’s grant of a “free charter,” must ensure quality standards and actively discourage…
An analysis of Supreme Court cases influencing the development of collective bargain and arbitration, and of the shift of the NLRB’s deferral standards, and reasons other than those raised by…
In negotiating their CBA, the parties to a collective bargaining agreement select “their own brand of industrial justice.” The role of the arbitrator is to effectuate their intent. The author…
A review of the cases and papers that preceded and followed the Trilogy cases.