An annual report of the Academy’s Committee on Law and Legislation, including a review of 500 Federal appellate level cases relating to the labor-management arbitral process and enforcement of contractual…
Due process and fair representation in grievance handling in the public sector
Bernard F. Ashe, William P. Murphy, Herbert Prashker, Donald H. Wollett
January 1, 1977 Proceedings Database
A discussion of public employee rights. Due process standards in the public and private sectors are compared, and the “property interest” of public sector employees in their employment status and…
The author discusses the statutes enacted between 1963 and 1978 prohibiting discrimination because of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, and age, and the practical limits of arbitration under collective…
Admissibility of evidence
George H. Cohen, Dana E. Eischen, Joseph F. Gentile, Margery F. Gootnick, Emily Maloney, William P. Murphy, Carlton J. Snow, Theodore J. St. Antoine, Norman White
March 16, 1982 Proceedings Database
Excerpts from workshops on the admissibility of evidence. The subjects include 1) the grievant’s prior employment record; 2) spotters’ reports; 3) decisions of other tribunals; 4) new evidence at hearing;…
The report and recommendations of the Academy’s Future Directions Committee, undertaken in 1982-1983. The questionnaire was forwarded to 595 Academy members. The tabulation of 391 responses is appended….
President Murphy reviews the history of the labor movement in the United States, and the founding and development of the National Academy.
The Ten Commandments for advocates: How advocates can improve the labor arbitration process
David Alexander, Robert J. Berghel, William P. Murphy, Marcus Widenor
March 16, 1992 Proceedings Database
An arbitrator, management advocate and labor advocate provide background about the arbitration process, and offer advice to advocates about how to present their cases more effectively and improve the arbitration…
Reminiscences by Robben W. Fleming, Director of the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations at the University of Illinois, Chancellor of the University of Wisconsin, President of the University of…
Reminiscences by Willard Wirtz, former United States Secretary of Labor.
Professor Murphy introduces Professor Feller, and then Professor Feller describes the events in his career that led to his appearance before the Supreme Court in the Steelworkers Trilogy and other…