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Problems of proof in the arbitration process: Report of the Chicago Area Tripartite Committee

A discussion of hearing procedures and the rules of evidence. [See also the transcript of the open discussion, 1966 page 110.]

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Problems of proof in the arbitration process: Workshop on Chicago Tripartite Committee Report

Edited transcript of 2-hour workshop on the committee report (discussed at 1966 p. 86) with audience questions and comments

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Synopsis: Grievance arbitration is a system in which the parties retain the ultimate authority to select a judge whose authority is limited to the dispute at hand. An arbitrator who…

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The thesis of this article is that the appropriate judicial disposition of a DFR case – once the determination of breach of the duty of fair representation has been made…

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The art of opinion writing

The attributes of a well-written arbitration decision are described.

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A description of tripartite airline system boards of adjustment, and changes in their functioning that resulted from Railway Labor Act mandates and collective-bargaining agreements. Case law in which NLRB decisions…

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The parties have a right to expect an arbitrator to answer the question presented, and to resolve that question with a final award when the hearing has concluded. Interim awards,…

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