Dissemination and enforcement of the Code of EthicsPartners in the Code – the NAA and the designating agencies

January 1, 1988

Synopsis By: Lurie
Proceeding Author:
Robert Coulson, Jewell L. Myers, Arnold M. Zack

Professor Zack recounts how the Code came into existence and was amended, and stresses the importance of adherence to the Code by arbitrators; its enforcement by the NAA, designating agencies and others; the training of arbitrators in it precepts; and the role that that NAA should have with regard to enforcement by the designating agencies, and the enforcement responsibilities of those agencies.AAA President Coulson advocates condoning new arbitrators advising potential clients of their availability, if done in a professional manner, a permitting arbitrators to print their memberships on letterheads, cards and announcements. He then describes how the AAA responds to Code infractions, that being with less frequent or a cessation of panel listing.FMCS Director Myers notes that her agency furnishes a copy of the Code to each new panel member, and discusses its importance at conferences sponsored by the agency. She describes the methodology used by the agency for resolving complaints it receives.

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