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The author describes the negotiations that resulted in the CBA, and describes the objective of the company’s communications program: that the public “understand that every employee benefit has a cost,…

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Impartial umpireships: The General Motors – UAW experience

The author sets forth the history of the permanent arbitration system at Ford, the operation of the system, and an evaluation of the effectiveness of the system. A brief discussion…

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Public review boards: Their place in the process of dispute resolution

David Klein and John Fillion discuss the role of the UAW’s seven member public review board in resolving appeals arising under the union’s constitution and ethical practices codes: The Board…

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Alcohol is an “addictive drug” with a particular American concern, following the experiment with Prohibition. In industry, concern with alcoholism was centered on a “job performance criterion”; that is, whether…

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Title: Alcoholism and the just cause for discharge

Discharge for alcoholism or alcohol-related misconduct poses one of the “greater dilemmas” for arbitrators. The authors discuss the growth of occupational programs, both employer-initiated and through collective bargaining. In many…

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A critical appraisal of the handling of representational issues under the NLRA and its negative impact on private sector union membership. The alternative of increased employment regulation is rejected and…

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New industrial relations and industrial justice

Secretary Usery observes that global competition has weakened the nature of collective bargaining. He recommends the acceptance of United States workers as partners, and cites the Toyota-GM-UAW experience in New…

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While adhering to the terms of the CBA between Ford Motor Company and the UAW during wartime, Arbitrator Harry Shulman nonetheless interpreted those terms broadly, so as to produce results…

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