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A report of the Committee on Law and Legislation for 1969, National Academy of Arbitrators

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A discussion, reprinted from the Industrial and Labor Relations Review 24 (April, 1971), of sex discrimination in the workplace, the impact of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of…

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The deficiencies of labor arbitration as a forum for the resolution of gender, race and other form invidious discrimination under federal law are examined. The tendency of arbitrators to view…

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A report of the Committee on Law and Legislation for 1971, National Academy of Arbitrators, with a focus on Section 301 actions under the Labor Management Relations Act (LMRA) reported…

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Report of the Committee on Law and Legislation

The Committee presents 16 cases from the courts and the Labor Board that it considers significant for the developmentof the law of labor arbitration.

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Significant developments for 1980 – including statutory, judicial, and related activity – in public employment disputes settlement at federal, state, and local levels in the United States and in Canada….

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A review of key NLRB deferral decisions and related court decisions that have resulted in the expectation that arbitrators will apply the law. An increase in the arbitration of statutorily-based…

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