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The criminal law and industrial discipline as sanctioning systems: Some comparative observations

A discussion of fundamental issues of the criminal law and industrial discipline and a comparison of the responses of each system to the issue. The author discusses the workings and…

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Although changing life styles have given rise to new disciplinary issues, those issues are generally adequately resolved by application of already established arbitration standards and principles. Novel questions that arise…

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Noting that, given their average age, arbitrators constitute a community of ‘establishment neutrals,’ Cohen observes that decisions rendered in the arbitration of life style disputes nevertheless reflect both establishment and,…

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Nexus in the context of off-duty misconduct cases. A valid nexus between the off-duty misconduct and the status of the grievant as an employee must be demonstrated by the employer….

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Discipline, discharge, external law and procedure -Roundtable discussion

A roundtable discussion, based upon hypothetical examples, of off-duty misconduct as cause for discharge. Subjects addressed include representation of the employee by independent counsel – a plea of guilty vs….

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Attorney Klenck examines the criteria under which off-duty internet use or website content furnishes a nexus for job-related discipline.

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Arbitrator Allen Ponak talks about his recent Canadian cases dealing with employee use andabuse of the Internet and other new technologies and the balance between the employer’s having efficient operations…

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Employee Privacy in the Digital Age II. Privacy in the Age of Technology

A panel discussion of employer monitoring of employee computer use, including Internet access. Six scenarios deal with Facebook postings, blogging about workplace conditions, confidential patient identities, unauthorized viewing of another’s…

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