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The coming end of arbitration’s golden age.

The “Golden Age” of labor arbitration – “the era of industrial self-governance” – commenced during or soon after WWII, and started to decline in the 1960’s, with an increase in…

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Arbitration in a changing environment

David Feller introduces Justice Brennan, who, observes that “arbitral awards are not accorded sufficient finality and that federal law intrudes at every turn.” Justice Brennan recommends that arbitrators do their…

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Professor Feller reviews three of his earlier papers. The first, “A General Theory of the Collective Bargaining Agreement,” advanced a theory of labor arbitration which, he acknowledges, the courts have…

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Bill Usery is introduced and his career described, and his career is described. Secretary Usery then gives a brief history of labor arbitration in the U.S., and the contribution made…

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